Going to Medieval Times with a child who has sensory issues

As most of my readers know from following me on Frisco Mom Blog on facebook. My son has PANDAS. PANDAS Kid, Sensory, Medieval Times, Dinner, DFW Kids, Mom blog, Frisco, Texas, Things to do with kids, Sensory, AutisticPANDAS is an acronym for Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS). The symptoms can be mild to severe.  You don’t really know what symptoms you are going to get or when you will get into a flare. You can try to be as proactive as possible but it doesn’t always fair that you will be in control of this. So you can imagine how difficult this must be at times. With that said its somewhat difficult to plan outings with him. We don’t let this autoimmune disease dictate his life. Its what he has it doesn’t define him as a person.


We went to Medieval Times and we loved it however we needed to make some accommodations for him. As every day life can be overstimulating you can guess what Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament is like.
  • 2 hour medieval jousting tournament
  • 6 competing knights
  • Real weapons
  • Beautiful horses
  • Live flight of the royal falcon

Since my son can get overwhelmed by the slightest things I had to make sure I planned for that. For my son who has sensory issues these are the top five things we did to acomodate any issues that might arrise.

  1. Made sure we could get up and walk around in the lobby if need to if it was too much for my son.
  2. We brought his earphones incase it was too loud for him. So he could take it all in with not being so stimulated by all the senses.
  3. We brought gloves. At Medieval times you get to eat with your hands. My son doesn’t always like to get his hands dirty. We also brought lots of wet naps so he could clean his hands. Incase he wanted to eat with his hands and not wear the gloves. He went for the latter.
  4. We bought him a flag that matched our knight so he could swing around. This helped and he also liked to feel the texture of it.
  5. We brought a light jacket incase he was cold. Sometimes he feels cold when we don’t.

Sometimes we have to leave early from events. This time we did not need to due to being proactive and planning ahead. It doesn’t always work out the way we anticipate. However this time it did for him and all his sensory needs.

My boy loved Medieval Times and we hope you do too!

Disclosure: Frisco Mom Blog was compensated and or provided samples in return for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 
My name is Adrianne Hudson! I traded my flip flops for cowboy boots. Native to Southern California I moved to Frisco, Texas in November of 2016, no it wasn't for Toyota either. Sorry a little small town humor as that is the next big company moving here and I get that question asked..All the time. I have three boys aka: the boyznberries. I married my best friend finally! I am the CEO of my household and owner / blogger at HopscotchNJellybeans.com.

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