Your girlfriend’s survival guide to moving from California to Texas

Texas, Blogger, Frisco Mom, Football, Moving, Frisco, Frisco Mom Blog

Your girlfriend’s survival guide to moving to Texas, from California.


My first 365 days here.

    1. When you move to Texas know your laws. Like did you know someone can record you on the phone? Only one person needs to know about it. Like the party who is doing it. Shady…. so be mindful. Or if you can’t beat them join them and record all your calls too! Texas Wiretapping law
    2. When you move to Texas make sure you lower your compressive insurance deductible. Mine was $1,000 in California. I was highly encouraged to lower it to a $500 deductible. Why?  because of Hail damage. This is always fun. Something to remember, hail season is from March – June. I wouldn’t do a claim until the end of the season.
    3. This goes with your roof as well. Don’t fix till end of the season UNLESS it is imperative you fix right away. I have just heard stories of people fixing their roofs after the first hailstorm and then two weeks later they have to get a new roof. OMG I would jump off mine!
    4. When we get hail in Texas,  “roofers” flock to the area. Anyone can say the are a roofer. Read up on it here  Texas Contractors License information
    5. Your first hail storm you will feel like your house is going to crack open. It’s scary and it’s not fun.
    6. The drivers, Dear Lord don’t get me started on the drivers. They are not just from Texas…. they are everywhere. People are people and they are very much in a hurry and they aren’t afraid to let you know it.
    7. Know your laws – for instance you are not allowed to be on your phone is a school zone and the speed limit is typically 20 mph in a school zone. If you go faster than that you will get a ticket. No joke don’t be in a rush in the morning allow yourself plenty of time.
    8. Make sure you have Peter Delkus and Texas Storm chasers among your iPhone apps.
    9. Have a Texas Strom chaser come to your house and do a prep kit for you.  They’ll also help you to set up  an evacuation plan and will tell you what you need to know to be prepared for tornadoes.
    10. “Bless your heart” is not always endearing.   I call that #Texas Friendly.   That’s all you need to know.
    11. Before moving see if your housing division has a Facebook page or go on next-door and introduce yourself. Be cautious and with anything use common sense.
    12. Get connected. People say it’s hard to make friends here. Yes it is if you are a recluse. Again use common sense. You need to get involved. PTA, Church, MOPS, Boy Scouts, Neighborhood Book Clubs, Neighborhood Watches etc.
    13. There are so many of us out there from California living in Texas. And no not all of us came from Toyota, but that’s the first question we are always asked. It’s a bit of a running joke here.
    14. Flies are not afraid of or phased by you in the least.
    15. Snakes yes there are snakes.  There are also plenty of bobcats and coyotes.  Hawks, too for that matter
    16. Make sure you don’t leave your little animals in the backyard all the time as they may wind up as a tasty snack for one of the above.
    17. I have maybe met a dozen true blood born and raised in Texas, Texans while I have been here.
    18. If you pick the state flower – Blue Bonnets – you may be in for a huge fine.
    19. Many places are closed on Sundays; I mean we live in the bible belt of the country.
    20. Chick Fil A is the best – Nothing like their lemonade on a hot summer day to refresh your soul.
    21. Make sure your child is in a sport or extracurricular activity. Don’t over book your child. It’s absurd when they have something every day of the week. Childhood is ok you know. Just something once or twice a week.
    22. Football is everything. I swear boys are born in shoulder pads and girls with pom poms in hand. I mean after all Friday Night Lights was made after Texas Football.
    23.  With that….I said I would never allow my son to play football. That lasted all but 9 months. My son made it on the A team and played really well, especially considering he never played before.
    24. Change can be very scary but it allows us to grow and spread our wings. I miss my family terribly. I always wanted to vacation to exotic places. However my vacation spot of choice is now California.
    25. Most people in Texas travel to Florida. That is the hot spot. I am not sure why, but I plan to be a sheep.
    26. 88% of all Texans own Tory Burch sandals, Kendra Scott earrings ( if you go on your birthday you get 50% off), while sipping from their Yeti Cup….BAAAAAAA BAAAA says this sheep!
    27. Everyone and their mother sells something or is in a MLM ( Young oils, Plexus, Nerium….) I sell LipSense feel free to join my group! Shameless plug!
    28. Texas is the Pinterest Capital of the World.  The most un crafty woman award goes to me. So my hubby bought me a Silhouette Cameo 3 for Mother’s Day.
    29. Its a wonderful place to raise family.
My name is Adrianne Hudson! I traded my flip flops for cowboy boots. Native to Southern California I moved to Frisco, Texas in November of 2016, no it wasn't for Toyota either. Sorry a little small town humor as that is the next big company moving here and I get that question asked..All the time. I have three boys aka: the boyznberries. I married my best friend finally! I am the CEO of my household and owner / blogger at

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