Happy Birthday America

Liberty, Happy Birthday America, Freedom, Fourth of July, Frisco Mom Blog, Army, Honor, Love
 Happy Birthday America

As I get ready to celebrate the Fourth of July, aka America’s birthday. I can’t help but think of all the brave men and women who sacrificed for our freedom. Freedom is not free, there is a price. Freedom has a different meaning to me now. A deeper appreciation, a newfound respect we shall say. My son joined the US ARMY 8 weeks ago. We are coming up on his graduation next week and I am so excited, proud and a whole lot of other emotions I can’t really explain.  My son is 19 years old. He is not legal to drink however he is legal to join and defend America. He is just a young man, one year out of high school. It hit me, hard. My boy took an oath and told his family it was his duty as an American to protect her.

You don’t think of things usually unless you have a stake in the game per say. It’s hard for me to fathom this. My heart goes out to all the parents, wives, husbands, family members of those who serve or have served. Our day to day doesn’t change as a civilian however having an active duty military in your family changes things, a lot. You respect things a lot more and reality of how things can go are always playing in the back of your head. It’s now important more important for you to support the military and all their efforts. Young men and women 18 years plus are standing guard, training, sacrificing and being so selfless for others. When my son joined and others were telling me how honorable that is. To defend our country and want to do it, for us to live in a better world and enjoy our freedoms.

Well to be honest there are some of you out there that I don’t think my son should be protecting you. Some people are nasty, have nasty things to say about America and politics who stand on our ground and spew hate. Yet my son is defending those people too. Our son’s, daughters, wives , husbands all who enlist are doing this for YOU. For your freedoms as they felt in their heart and their passion was to defend America through and through.

The more I sit back and think about this the prouder I become of my son. I also am a mom so you know I am worried too. However I am so proud of him and every other service personnel who has enlisted to defend our great country. As you sit back and enjoy the fourth of July, gathered around family and friends eating and drinking on your three day weekend or in some cases four. Remember those that are not with their family because they are in another country, another state on base or in boot camp either training, perfecting their skill or monitoring a situation so we can sit poolside today with a beer and watermelon donning our red, white and blues as we sing happy birthday to America.

You are invited to a party, however the guests of honor who made this party possible by keeping America safe may not be there to partake. I just ask as you reflect and watch the fireworks tonight to remember why you are free. The sacrifices made. Someones son, daughter, husband or wife is away from their family protecting us so you can enjoy all your freedoms. 

I have a newfound respect for military and their families. I always respected and admired the brave men and women. However its different.

How can you show your appreciation for these brave individuals? Write letters, host a toiletry drive or sock party. Reach out to people around you that you know their loved one is in the service either home or stationed away. Say how proud you are of them, take time to know them. If their loved one is away, especially a mom or dad. Offer to take a meal offer, send them a gift card, take them to the movies, something. Their family is defending our country the least we can do is show hospitality towards them. 

With that I hope you all have a fabulous fourth of July! Thank you for all the men and women who made it possible over decades to allow such an opportunity to be free at a price. To celebrate and love America more on her birthday because of these brave men and women.

My name is Adrianne Hudson! I traded my flip flops for cowboy boots. Native to Southern California I moved to Frisco, Texas in November of 2016, no it wasn't for Toyota either. Sorry a little small town humor as that is the next big company moving here and I get that question asked..All the time. I have three boys aka: the boyznberries. I married my best friend finally! I am the CEO of my household and owner / blogger at HopscotchNJellybeans.com.

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